ExaVault Legacy APIs

Files.com acquired ExaVault, another Managed File Transfer service, in 2021. Since then, the ExaVault service has been integrated into the "mainline" Files.com service.

ExaVault has two legacy API versions, and both are still supported and will be supported in perpetuity on Files.com. Support is limited to applications that were already in production using these APIs at the time of migration. New applications should always use the modern Files.com SDKs and API.

These documentation pages are maintained for reference purposes only, and to allow current applications to be supported.

ExaVault API Migrations Notes

Files.com has preserved the interfaces and operations of the ExaVault legacy APIs as best as possible. The vast majority of customers should find that their API integrations continue functioning without any intervention required.

Developers should not need to change anything about existing applications to use the ExaVault API on Files.com. Existing code should continue to work after migration the same way it did pre-migration.

ExaVault API Keys Are Migrated

All existing API keys were migrated with the rest of ExaVault account data and can be used the same way they were before.

Permanent Access Tokens Are Migrated

Access tokens associated with a specific user, which were created through the ExaVault web file manager will be migrated along with the rest of your account data.

Temporary access tokens were not migrated; you can always retrieve a fresh token using the v1.2 authenticateUser method.

Existing Code and SDKs Will Work

For all of the supported methods, the previously published SDKs will continue to work without modification. The contents of some responses may now contain placeholders or empty values, but SDKs should continue to function as expected without needing an update.

Legacy API Code Cannot Be Used Within A Web Browser Session

It is not possible to run legacy API code within a web browser session once a site has been migrated to the Files.com platform.

If you have implemented a client-side web application that is making requests to the legacy ExaVault API, this is not supported after migration to the Files.com platform. You should instead create a wrapper API on the server for your clients to interact with; your wrapper code is responsible for communicating with the legacy API, or with the Files.com API. This prevents exposing your authentication tokens to your clients.

Connecting to the Legacy API

After your account is migrated, the URLs used by API code using API Keys that existed before the migration will continue to function using the same addresses.

Connecting With New API Keys

While legacy code that uses api.exavault.com will still work, if you create new API keys or access tokens after your site has been migrated, you must use your site's subdomain, such as mysite.files.com, as the hostname for the legacy API.

Custom URLs for Files.com Sites Cannot Be Used With ExaVault APIs

If you have configured a custom URL for your new Files.com site, you cannot use that address to interact with the legacy ExaVault APIs. You must use your subdomain address, such as mysite.files.com, for the legacy ExaVault APIs.

Use Files.com API and SDKs for New Development

The ExaVault platform and, by extension, the legacy ExaVault APIs, provided a limited set of features. Using the legacy ExaVault APIs will prevent you from leveraging most of the features and functionality of the Files.com platform. We strongly urge developers to use the Files.com API, and its well-tested, tuned and optimized SDKs for new development in order to take advantage of all of the capabilities of the Files.com platform.

The Files.com API offers access to all of the features in your site including fine-grained user permissions, automations, IP address control, and history logs. We are continuously adding new functionality to our APIs and working to improve our SDKs.

Files.com offers SDKs in popular programming languages and provide developer-friendly features such as support for automatic pagination, automatic retries for file transfers and parallelization of uploads and downloads.

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